Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mary Magdalen

This is a little sketch I'm using for an icon I'm making of Mary Magdalen

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Abu Bakhtishu

Manafi al-Hayawan (Uses of Animals)

Persian, 1290-1300

Note: The text explains that goats can fall from very high places and break their fall by landing on their horns!

St. Michael battling the seven-headed beast

Apocalypse picture Book

London, ca. 1255-60


Sketched from the book "Metropolitan Museum of Art; a Cloisters Bestiary"

by Richard H. Randall, Jr.

detail of an archway from the church of St. Cosmus

France, ca. 1250

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mouth of Hell

Mouth of Hell; Office of the Dead

Book of Hours

Utrecht, ca.1440

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rabbit Doctor and Two Patients

Barthelemy van Eyck

Book of Hours (decorated border detail)

Aix-en- Provence, ca.1445

Two Elephants

Abu Bakhtishu

Manafi al-Hayawan (Uses of Animals)

Persia, Maragha, ca. 1290-1300

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Creatures from the Ends of the Earth

"Wonders of the World"

Therouanne (?) ca. 1277

A Dragon


Therouanne (?) ca. 1270

Initial A: Pentecost

Attributed to Stephano da Verona

Lombardy, ca. 1430-35

A Dragon


England, between 1255-1265

A Siren and a Centaur


Therouanne (?) ca. 1270

Wild Boars

Book of the Hunt

Gaston Phebus

Breton, ca. 1430-40


Book of the Hunt

Gaston Phebus

Breton, ca. 1430-40

A Sloth

Joris Hoefnagel

Model Book of Calligraphy

Vienna, ca.1591-96


Vessel for the heart of Anne of Brittany with crown

Loire Valley or Paris, 1514

A Man Hawking


Flanders, ca.1250

The Creation

Master of the Dresden Prayer Book

Isabella Breviary

Bruges(?), ca. 1490-97

Scenes from the Life of Absalom

Leaf from the Morgan Picture Bible

Northern France, ca.1250

A Lion


Crete, ca 1510-20



Therouanne, ca 1270

Nebuchadnezzar as a Wild Animal

Rudolph von Ems, World Chronicle

Regensburg, ca.1400-1410

Bear with Bees and Beehive

From "The Flower of Virtue"

Northern Italy, ca 1400-1425

Horses and Knights in Battle

Bestiary ca.1230


The Creation of the World

from The Marquette Bible

Lille 1270